Tuesday, May 2, 2017

week 10

I have learned so much throughout the course of these blogs. I was shocked at what I saw in the articles on poverty and did not realize how big of an issue it really is. There is a great amount of inequality out there whether it be in the workplace, education, and even housing wise, something must be done to resolve the situation. So many people are affected economically because of the social inequality in our country. Where someone lives tremendously affects their education they will receive and the type of job they will be able to get. I will take everything I have learned and apply it into my future by helping out any community when I can.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Week 9

From America Divided the issues I chose were citizenship and education. From citizenship I found a local non profit organization located in Passaic, New Jersey called Immigration and American Citizenship Organization. They provide legal representation to low-income people coming to them. They assist in Adjustment of Status, Consular Processing, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Employment authorization, Employment-based immigrant and non-immigrant petitions, and family-based petitions. Some services they provide are help in completing forms, filings with USCIS, and representation before the Board of Immigration Appeals. This gives a voice to individuals who need one to defend themselves. For the issue of education I chose the NEA which is the National Education Association. It is the nation's largest professional employee organization and wants to commit to advancing public education by hiring qualified individuals. They have affiliate organizations in every state and over 14,000 communities. 

President's crackdown on immigrants

This article from the New York Times is about President Trump wanting to really crack down on illegal immigrants. He has already set a plan on how to crack down but this is a little different. The Department of Homeland Security announced that the they were going to make an office from families who are victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants in an effort to tackle the immigrant situation. Many people have mixed feelings about this plan, there are many Trump supporters who are for this and then there are some that will not have it. People say it is unfair and takes aim at a population that is less likely to commit crimes than American citizens. The office will be called Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement or VOICE.

Week 8

The Alice Report is a great way to find out who is struggling in our communities. It is relevant to us because this can help us to narrow the towns that need our help and we can do the best for them by providing what they need. It tells you how many families are struggling and how much it costs to have all the basic necessities. It puts into perspective who needs help the most. The economic inequality report is also very informative and states that many New Jerseyians are still in a recession today. There are many statistics and report on the economy of New Jersey.

aim to revive healthcare

Source: CNN
The republicans have a new amendment in the works that would help to "revive" healthcare. The amendment would allow insurance companies to charge enrollees in their 50s and early 60s more than younger ones. 
Obamacare however limited insurance companies from charging older enrollees more than three times younger ones although this suffered backlash from AARP. 
States would not be allowed to waive the Obamacare rule that requires insurers to cover those with pre-existing conditions and experts say the amendment would affect those who are sick or have had medical issues in the past. It would allow insurance companies to charge them more for coverage, it would make it harder for the sick to find good policies that cover their treatments. 

Week 7

In the video, social policy expert Kristin Seefeldt talks about how there is not a lot of access to jobs, schools, and housing markets for families and therefore would not help with the upward mobility. She talks about the increasing social isolation of low-income workers, mostly African Americans. This is where certain groups have limited contact in whats called "mainstream America".
If there were improvements in the school systems, I believe, that will help students in doing better in school and will give them a higher chance in finding good jobs. Once they find good jobs, they will be able to make the amount they deserve and live in a good housing market in a safe neighborhood. 

Executive Order on Education

According to a CNN article, President Donald Trump will be signing an executive order that has Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to review where the Federal Government has unlawfully overstepped state and local control in education.
The order is called: Executive Order Enforcing Statutory Prohibitions on Federal Control of Education. It outlines what Betsy DeVos advocated for before becoming the Education Secretary. This order is intended to return authority to the states and local entities.